Saturday November 23rd
Royal Irish Yacht Club

About Atlantic Youth Trust


To connect youth with the Ocean and Adventure


To be the best youth development tall ship organisation in the world with a focus on Education, Youth Development, Training, Tourism and Enterprise.


The Trust has identified five objectives for their work across the three delivery pillars:

  1. To provide highly attractive educational opportunities to young people that will enable both personal and skills development which are both additional and complementary to classroom-based education.
  2. To provide a neutral platform for continuous cross-border engagement between groups of children and young people from ROI and NI.
  3. To promote awareness of skills development for careers in the maritime sector
  4. To fulfil an ambassadorial role for trade, investment, tourism and culture for the island of Ireland, and help engage with our diaspora.
  5. As AYT has no political or religious agenda, it aims to unite individuals from all communities and to act as a flagship for cooperation, at home and abroad.